Monday, January 24, 2011

Temple Sealing and Ryker's Birth!

Most of you have read how our sealing finally happened, if not the story is below. We have been so blessed! And Ryker is so healthy and wonderful!! I am suffering from no sleep, and some days are harder than others but I love our family!!!
November 12, 2010
When we first got the call from the first presidency, we were so nervous we wouldn't make it home before the baby was born. We rushed to Utah the very next day in hopes that Ryker would be born in the covenant. My poor mother had just arrived in Colorado (6 hour drive) when we told her we were driving right back to Utah the very next morning. I had already been to the hospital that week with contraction and with Chasee it only took 45 minutes (barely made it to the hospital-not even enough time for drugs or a Doctor). So we knew I went fast! We chose Manti because not only is it my home town and favorite temple, but I knew the Doctors there too, just in case! It was one of the closer temples too (only 3 1/2 hours) We read every bit of information we could on self delivery and Jan-aka-Nana (Dustans mom) Packed the kit and sterile supplies just in case, and off we went! Luckily he was kind to me and we made it home!

November 18, 2010
Knowing how fast I go we decided I had just better be "started" instead of risking having the baby born in the car on the way to the hospital. Good thing too because with in 5 minutes of them breaking my water, he was Bearing Down! I don't know what we would have done if we hadn't done it that way!!! Especially because when Ryker came out, the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck, and HE WAS BLUE! Thank Heaven my doctor was amazing and fast!!!!


  1. I love these pictures. You have a beautiful family. Hope you are doing good.

  2. Glad he came safely. Such cute pictures!
