Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This year has been such an incredible year. So many things have happened in our family. Some Tragic, but most Wonderful, and even with the bad we have grown so strong and closer together. The kids and I are very blessed to have found Dustan, and I also consider him very blessed to have us. But there is no doubt in my mind that it was our Heavenly Father who brought us together. Nothing else can explain the turn of events that took place. The Lord has big things in mind for us.
The kids and Dustan have started school again. Carter now in Kindergarten, Scoring highest in his class in the STAR testing, at the first of the year. Chasee in her final year of PreSchool, taking on the role of the Mother in the classroom. Dustan is working as the Psychologist's Assistant for the District and he is also busy with his Master's Program this Fall.
As for me, I am finally able to be a Stay at Home Mother again. Yes, after two years of Running American Eagle and working at State Farm, we found a way for me to be home with the kids. Not the easiest thing for us to do, but by far the best thing for this family and most rewarding for me.
Come November who know's how we will all function and manage with Dustan working Full Time, School Full Time, and the new arrival of our little Ryker Dean Blair, I know somehow we will be carried through it.
I love our life, I love all that we are blessed with. And I am so grateful for all that we have. We all go through our struggles, trials, and testing periods, but what matters is what we do durring those times. As for me and my family, we turn to the Lord. Things that are unimaginable and seem inbearable, turn out to be the things that shape and pull us together, and for that I am so grateful.
I love my kids and my dear husband. We have an incredible family and are so excited for our soon to be addition.

1 comment:

  1. Kadee!!! So fun! SO glad you are back. i really missed you. you look so amazing by the tiny with a basketball tummy. haha. And i love the name Ryker. Jadin's middle name is Dean Alaka'i. Ha! And i just can't get over how bug your kiddos have gotten. Carter is such a little man now! So handsome! how fun for him to get a baby brother. Keep the posts and pictures coming! Love ya!!!!!1
