Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day Three of the Honeymoon

We decided this was going to be a full on relax day! We rented a bunch of redbox movies and layed in bed all morning watching them. It was really nice considering the weather outside was 110 degrees just in the morning. So we left the day wide open with no general plans, and nothing on our agenda. We layed out by the pool, napped off and on. and then when we finally got a little restless in the evening we decided it was time to go eat! We chose a beautiful place called the Rock Garden Grill. And I will tell you that it was the best service we have ever had! The tables had checker table clothe under the glass about ten minutes into it we noticed the large checker peiced off to the side and it was GAME ON! Now you have to take into account that Dustan is all about strategy. I WON!! He he he i was so proud and felt so smart!! We stayed there about an hour and a half the second game went on for ever and i ended up throwing it. ha ha ha little does he know.

And afterwards we drove around headed to target and notices a miniture golf course next to it. WOO WOO. and the rest of the night we Played arcade games and I will have to say i won 25% of the time and Lost by one point in 36 holes of minigolf! By far that was the funnest we had. Got a little competitive, saw the funand playful side of each other and just really had FUN!
Then came back to the resort to relax and finsh our movie!

And For Tomorrow.... The Water Park!!


  1. CONGRATS to the newly weds!!!!!!! I am so bummed I couldn't be there!!! But I can't wait to see wedding pictures! I know you made a beautiful bride! Your honeymoon pics have been so fun! I love the ones on Laguna Beach. Especially the one where you wrote in the sand!!!! so cute! What a fun time for you guys! Tell us more! love ya sis! You deserve every bit of this and more!

  2. Tell Dustan that I am so mad at him for not letting me know that he was getting married! J/K...well I am mad at him but so excited for you guys! Dustan really is the best and was always a really good friend, so I am way excited for you. And you must be pretty awesome yourself to have snatched him up! Did you go to AF High because I know some of the people that you have on your blog list and you look kind of familiar. Tell Dustan that this is Brittany from Courtside Apartments in Orem. Congrats on the marriage!!!

  3. Congrates!!! I am so happy for both of you!!! Dustan this is Nanci from courtside apts. I am sad that i missed the big day, I can't wait for pictures!!! You both look very happy, and I wish you the best!!! If you would like to see my blog email me and I will give you the information, my email address is nancisutton@gmail.com you can see pictures of my two boys, that is right I have two now and I am sure by the time I talk to you again I'll either be pregnant or just had another baby, crazy huh!! Well I hope to keep in touch and email me soon!!!
